The world goes very fast and we go with it. However, we do not realize that
most of the time we do not spend quality time with our children. That is why at
Espai Tau Kids we always recommend to families to schedule a special time
with their children.

What is special time?
It is nothing more than dedicating quality time to our children every day, without
technology or distractions in between. Does it seem complicated? Well, it is not
and the positive effects that are obtained from it are very great.

How can we do it?

  • Develop good family planning and organization plan.
  • At least 10 minutes a day to carry out an activity with the little ones.
  • Being next to them with the mobile … It is NOT special time. We do not
    only have to be present, if not, ACTIVE.
  • Being physically and emotionally with them.
  • Communicate to our children that this time will be exclusive for them.

What can we do in that time?

  • You do not need great things other than being present and enjoying with
    them to show them that we care. It depends on the age what will be used
    for this time to play with or simply to talk about the day.
  • All family members should contribute ideas to carry out in this special

What benefits does this special time bring to us?

  • Improve the connection with our children.
  • Learn to be present.
  • Enjoy and relax after a day of work/school.
  • Improve communication between family members.
  • Well-being and safety.


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