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About us
The time has come for you to get to know us and for that we have decided that a resume presents us as workers, as professionals, but we also want you to get to know us as people.
Sabela Blanco
Hello! I am Sabela Blanco, Galician by birth, although with Catalan roots. I have lived most of my short life in Galicia and that, as the Galicians say, makes you strong…it must be because of the rain. In Santiago de Compostela, I studied a degree in Clinical Psychology. My family helped me understand the passion for a job in which you help people be happier and improve their quality of life. After my 5 years of studies, I decided to go live in London. Yes or yes, I had to learn English. There I met people from different cultures, from different parts of the world who helped me see beyond what my little Galicia had offered me. After a year learning English, and doing a Master’s Degree in Child Psychology and Early Care, I decided that Barcelona would be my new residence. The fact that my father is from here helped a lot, although I think the climate a little more. Please stop raining! Here, I studied my first Master’s Degree in Child and Adolescent Psychology, at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. And if I was already clear that I liked my profession, after the master’s degree, but especially the internship, I fell in love. When I finished it I thought it was time to think about the future and for various reasons I decided to complete my training with the Master of General Health Psychology. After successfully completing it, I decided it was time to start proving to myself and others that my profession/passion should be used to help people. I started working in various places until suddenly the “opportunity” or perhaps the “dream of my life” arose, to have my own therapeutic center.

Raquel Pérez
Hello! I am Raquel Pérez, educational psychologist at “Escola La Immaculada” and collaborating psychologist at Espai Tau Kids.
Graduated in Psychology from the University of Barcelona, specialized in Neurosciences and Child-Adolescent Psychopathology. With training experience at Hospital Sant Pau, Barcelona Health Hub, Fundació Adana, Escola Fàsia, etc. My profession is my vocation; I feel very fortunate to be able to help the adults of the future day by day to solve, improve or accompany their difficulties by promoting greater well-being in their lives.
Child-juvenile psychology.
Psychopedagogical orientation.
Neuropsychological evaluation and psychological assessment in children and adolescents.
Neuropsychological reeducation and psychological treatment in cognitive-behavioral orientation in children and adolescents.
Irene Lorente
Hello! My name is Irene Lorente. I am a speech therapist and interpreter of Catalan sign language. I am specialized in myofunctional therapy and speech therapy for children and adolescents at school. I currently work at the Sagrat Cor school in Barcelona where I work as a speech therapist. I also collaborate with Espai Tau and my desire is infinite to be able to offer the best of myself and help children and their families. I work in Spanish and Catalan.