What are they?
Study skills are becoming one of the most important concepts in the student world. After seeing all the school failure that is being harvested in schools, students are left with the option of improving their performance with rules, tricks, techniques or study recipes that can clearly improve results.
Study techniques are a set of tools, fundamentally logical, that help improve performance and facilitate the process of memorization and daily study.
Above all, the mentalization of “having to study” is essential. If we start from the basis that we do not want to study the rest, there is plenty. But it is clear that, given the social situation, conscientious preparation for a future job is the key. Organization when starting a school year is essential.
The daily study, in addition, is almost mandatory. It is not about being in front of books for two or three hours every day. It consists of seeing their own needs, analyzing in which fields or topics students have more problems, what are the immediate priorities (exams, and assignments, presentations, etc.), and from there to set a daily “work” schedule.
Studying consists of learning and striving to do it and thus achieve it each for himself, not for the parents of each student.
Get organized
Organization is one of the fundamental elements when starting to study or when starting to prepare for an exam, a competition, a test, etc.
If a student considers himself not prepared to organize himself or to face all the daily tasks and, in a row, and thus know where to start, then the help of a psychopedagogue will help and guide him.
Take it seriously and ask for help
Of course, it is important that the student has constancy, a follow-up that allows him to overcome his difficulties that have to do with studies and begin to do it seriously so that in the near future he learns to do it without any help. The professional who is in charge of helping the student is the psychopedagogue who will help them to foster a good study base, learn to be autonomous, to organize themselves on a daily basis and to carry out all the corresponding tasks.