Christmas is approaching and most children are already coming with their endless lists of Christmas gifts. From Espai Tau Kids we recommend that these lists must be created with parental supervision. Setting limits, teaching them values and above all that they are aware that they DO NOT NEED everything they ask for.
Technological gifts are gaining more and more weight in the Christmas lists, but we invite you to reflect on the need for children to play other things. Technological toys are more individualistic and in the society in which we live, children need to learn to relate since more and more children prefer to stay at home with the computer than to go out with their friends. BIG MISTAKE.
Another of our bets as a Christmas gift should be those toys that help them develop their imagination and creativity. They need to experiment, create and invent.
Let us not fall into the temptation of HYPER-GIFT since we will be creating children with low tolerance for frustration, hyperexigent children and we will impoverish the development of their imagination.
Finally, we do not want you to forget that Christmas is not just gifts. That Christmas is a time to spend as a family, to communicate, to play together. Without a doubt, the best Christmas gift is the time we spend playing with our children, rather than the gift we give them. We know that during the academic year school and work obligations limit our time to be together, so the best time to enjoy them should be the Christmas holidays.