Like many other aspects of life, speech development is the result of a combination of innate and acquired factors. The genetic constitution determines in part, the intelligence and the development of the language, but also the family environment.

Whether your child pronounces and articulates the sounds well depends to a large extent on your offer in a correct pronunciation model, in addition to the fact that hearing, breathing, blowing, and the ability of movement of the oro-phonatory organs also play a decisive role.

General tips that you can use at home:

  • Spend a lot of time communicating with your child, even during breastfeeding: talk to him, make signs and encourage him to imitate sounds and gestures.
  • Read to your child every day starting when he is only six months old. Stories with images (animals, trades, etc.) are ideal to stimulate vocabulary development. Make him participative when he points to a picture and recreate it by increasing the number of words in your intervention.
  • Take advantage of everyday situations to reinforce your child’s speech and language.
  • Speak slowly and clearly.
  • ALWAYS speak correctly to him and do not imitate his way of speaking.
  • Let him explain what he wants with his own rhythm. Each one has its own rhythm of speaking.
  • Give him time to answer your questions.
  • Point or take turns speaking. Try to make your child respect the communication turns.
  • Do not try to correct the child’s phonological / phonetic errors (this is the speech therapist’s job).
  • Adapt the length of your sentences to the child’s ability.
  • Include in your sentences a greater number of requests for information than for action, to stimulate the child to speak.
  • Whenever the child starts a conversation, try to keep it as long as possible.
  • If he finds it difficult to use any of the parts of the sentence correctly or he/she constructs them wrong, offer him the correct model, but taking what he has said and repeating it correctly.
  • Value their small advances, reinforce them.
  • Use open type questions. Encourage him to answer you with something more than yes or no.
  • Talk about people, events and places that are present in the context in which the child usually finds himself. Here and now actual situations.
  • Teach him to count things in an orderly way: what he has done before and after, what he will do next, then, and so on.
  • Teach him songs, riddles, sayings, etc.
  • Look for differences between sheets of similar drawings.
  • Play “I see – I see” or “Simon says”.
  • Play with the child to imitate sounds of the environment, animals or people, show him where they come from and encourage him to imitate them.
  • Encourage your child’s imaginative and symbolic play, playing doll hair, driving, playing on the farm, etc.


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