Self-esteem is a stage of life in which boys and girls experience physical and mental changes. It is a beautiful stage, but at the same time dangerous. It is the constant search for its own and differentiated identity. However, it is also a stage of constant comparison and search for belonging to a group of […]

Students with special educational needs (SEN).

In Espai Tau Kids we work on the detection and assessment of children with SEN. The assessment is carried out by a systemic, interactive and contextualized way. We do not like to group children into fixed categories, since the same child can present different deficits and capacities. What we intend to do is analyze the […]

What do we expect from this Christmas? Tips and guidelines.

Christmas is approaching and most children are already coming with their endless lists of Christmas gifts. From Espai Tau Kids we recommend that these lists must be created with parental supervision. Setting limits, teaching them values ​​and above all that they are aware that they DO NOT NEED everything they ask for. Technological gifts are […]


Why use relaxation techniques with children? Children in their day to day and depending on the personality of each one, can bear better or worse the worries or stressful situations. Relaxation techniques for children are tools that will help them better adapt to adverse situations, to manage and control their emotions. But above all to […]


Guidelines How do we know when a child has rabies? When he is tense. When he wants to hit or throw things. When he gets away from people. When he clenches his fists and clenches his jaw. When the palpitations go a thousand an hour. They want to cry and scream. Headaches or stomach aches. […]


What are they? Study skills are becoming one of the most important concepts in the student world. After seeing all the school failure that is being harvested in schools, students are left with the option of improving their performance with rules, tricks, techniques or study recipes that can clearly improve results. Study techniques are a […]


Guidelines for parents During summertime children tend to lose their routines (school, extracurricular activities, schedules …), so parents often do not know how to manage so much free time, especially when parents keep working. In Espai Tau Kids we know what we call the “summer effect”, children usually return to our center in September having […]


Guidelines for parents When jealousy appears, behind there is the fear of losing the love and time that the older brother has with his parents. It can start when the little brother has not yet arrived or when he has already been born. That is why it is very important to prepare them for the […]


Separation anxiety materializes in symptoms ranging from fear to extreme fear of a specific situation. In children, it usually occurs when separating from parents and even refusing to go to school. They suffer a state of hypervigilance that usually ends in panic attacks. Separation anxiety appears in children in early age. The anguish they present […]

Conflict resolution

Blog Psicología Infantil Espai Tau Kids

Before starting the conflict resolution process, you need to: Use active listening. Do not interrupt the other. Have empathy. Understand how we feel and how the other feels. Recognize the emotions that are being generated. Participate all in the process. Steps to follow: 1. Identify the problem. First we must define the problem as a […]

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